Thursday, October 26, 2023

Monster Mash Blog Hop

Welcome to the last day of the Monster Mash Sew It - Show it Challenge, hosted by Joan of Moose Stash Quilting.

Today I want to show off my finished Bat quilt!
Pattern by Cluck Cluck Sew.

I started this project in 2021, cutting out most of the pieces. 

And showed off some of the blocks during last year's hop.  

Last year the plan was to quilt it in time for the family Halloween party, but a couple folks got the flu and the the party got canceled.  With no deadline, the quilting got postponed... till now.

I had two kitties help quilt this one up.  My orange kitty, Avi, and my black kitty, Boonky.
Two perfect kitty colors for Halloween.

The quilting was rather quick, a meandered a zig zag ish type stich.  Sewing straight lines then changing direction every now and then while trying to keep a similar distance between lines.

Boonky was in charge of the final inspection.

This is actually Bat quilt #1 of 2.  I made two tops last year.  Both were neatly folded and stored away waiting their turn to be quilted.

Version 2 is already loaded on the longarm so it is definitely next on the to do list!

I used the last of this Halloween print for the back and paired it with an orange dot fabric.

This was a fun pattern to make.  The bats sewed up pretty quick.
I definitely recommend it if you need a quick Halloween quilt.

If you missed any, make sure to go back and visit the other participants!  They have shown off some spooky fun creations!


Happy Sewing!



  1. No sweeter photo that Boonky giving the final inspection to that batty fun quilt!

  2. I went totally batty over this it! I need to add this one to my Halloween pattern collection. I have a lot of fabric that would be perfect for this. Lucky you to have such cute helpers! Thanks for sharing your wickedly wonderful quilt, Leah!

  3. I love black and white so you're quilt is a hit with me. Hey...did you paint Bonky black just for the photo shoot? lol

  4. BTW, I love your take on the puffy quilt you used on your main page. The square in a square is inspirational.

  5. Sew cute! I love your little helpers too ;)

  6. Love that bat quilt! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Great quilt, love your inspector!

  8. Loved the blocks last year and this year's quilt. The quilting is fabulous, too!

  9. Your bat quilt is fabulous, as are your quilt inspectors. Happy Halloween!

  10. Pretty bats quilt, and the binding looks so good with it. Your cat is cute too.

  11. Cute bat quilt! Loved seeing Boonky--looks so much like my Tasha kitty of 18+ years. (Miss her!!)

  12. Love those bats (and kitties)! They are both so fun!

  13. Love how you used the different black and white fabrics for the bats! Looks great!
