Today is my day for the Wake up to Kona Blog Hop and I am excited to show you what I created!
I started with this Classic Color Palate roll up and a bunch of Kona White and a wee bit of Kona Pacific.
I was inspired by the "Jelly Roll Strip Starburst" pattern by Kimberly Einmo.
I sewed the strips into groups of two and cut them on the 45 degree angle to get the diamond shapes.
The jelly roll gave me enough for 10 color coded stars plus four scrappy stars, I only ended up using two scrappy stars for my first project.
This is one of the bigger quilts I have made. It measures 76 x 96 inches.
It needs a little more quilting in the white sections and the border and then it will be finished.
I am thinking about entering it as my challenge quilt for my quilt guild's annual show.
The theme is "A little Color in My Life". But to do that I want to put some really spiffy quilting in the white space and that will take me awhile to finish up.
I am loving these pretty points!
I have really impressed myself with this one.
A little patience and a hot iron really pays off. :)

After I was done cutting my star blocks I had a lot of these scraps leftover. I am not one to throw away fabric so I came up with an idea. It meant getting out the stitch ripper and the rotary cutter again but it was worth it. The idea was to make a bunch of small pinwheel blocks and turn it into a small child's quilt that had pinwheels with wide sashing.
These are some of the scraps trimmed, grouped, and ready to be turned in to 3.5 inch pinwheels.
But then my husband gave me a better idea. He looked at my design wall while I was in the middle of sewing together the first quilt and he said, "I really like these fancy pinwheel blocks. You don't see these everyday." When I told him those weren't the blocks I was making he didn't seem as excited. I told him they only looked that way because I was sewing the other half of a star block. He really liked the pinwheels, so I got to thinking...
Why not use the two left over scrappy stars and turn them into the fancy pinwheels you don't see everyday.
To spice it up even more I added all the tiny 3.5 inch pinwheels in the border and some more Kona White and TADA!
I call this one "Floating Pinwheels". It is 50 x 50 inches
I think I like it better than the first quilt and already want to make another one using the same color combo as the pinwheels that were on the design wall.
And as if that wasn't enough,
I still had some scraps leftover so I decided to make a pouch.
The gray I used is Kona Pewter.
These twenty 1.5 x 2.5 inch scraps, plus one jelly strip (a brown that didn't seem to fit anywhere), are all that is left from that jelly roll. I could probably chuck these, but you never know, I could find just the right project for them.
Make sure you go visit the other hoppers today.
They have some great Kona projects to share with you as well.