Lets jump right into to the Rush Hour Hop!
Red and Black is one of my favorite color combos. Add a little white and gray and you have a marvelous color palette that begs to have quilts made out of it.
I ordered several different half yards and some full yards of the Rush hour line and used up almost every bit of it. These first two quilts were both made in five days. Now that is rushing it for a quilter!
First up is my Strip Tube quilt. This quilt went together pretty quick.
I cut out and sewed the top in one day.
Then I quilted it the next day. A two day quilt!
It is a nice lap size measuring 64 x 46 inches.
I grabbed some Red, black, and white from my stash for the back.
Far away it looks like gingham, but a close up reveals that it is a slightly different pattern.

When I made my strip quilt I cut up this light gray building fabric to go in it, but it was too light and didn't mix well in the strip quilt. Instead of putting the strips in my 2.5 inch scrap bin I decided to come up with an idea to use them right away. They ended up being the perfect color to go in the center of the long and short blocks of my "Smell the Flowers" Quilt.
It is originally called "I'm Blushing" and is a pattern on Moda Bake Shop designed by Natalia from Piece N Quilt. I cut and sewed the top in one day.
The applique took another day - I'm slow with that part. Then I quilted it on the third day.
That is what you call quilter's rush hour!
I had to add some extra red and blacks from my stash to finish up the top of this quilt.
I am happy that all the fabrics play well together.
This one measures 74 x 56 inches.
More black, reds, and whites from my stash for the back.
The quilting shows up really well on the back.
I still had a little more fabric so I made some bags.
You can never have enough bags.
When I am rushing to get out of the house for weekend trips it is nice to have all my stuff packed in a small bag for me to grab and head out the door.
I love the inside fabric with the clocks and people on the move.
The next bag is a recreation of my old Avon makeup bag that had seen better days. It was my favorite makeup bag to take on trips because it fit everything I needed in the makeup department. Instead of chucking the old bag in in the trash, I took it apart and used the pieces as a pattern to make a brand new bag.
The clock lining up on the inside was a happy coincidence.
The clock lining up on the inside was a happy coincidence.
Phew! The sewing machine has been rushing this month for sure.
Check out the other bloggers who are Rushing along with me today.
Friday, September 26
Quilted Delights (Me)
Check out the whole schedule here.