Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Christmas Quilt in February

My Christmas quilt has been on my design wall since December. It has gone from this.... this.  Everyone denies knocking the board over. They are all blaming the cat.  
With the help of my son we got it back to it's regular layout.  That was about a month ago.

Yesterday I found the motivation I need to get this project rolling-
I need my design board to help design a new quilt.
Nothing like something new to help you move along with something old.  :)
I have all the Half square triangle sewn in pairs, a couple full blocks sewn together, and one whole row done.
Not sure why I picked the third row to sew first, but you can see how much shrinkage there is from layout to finished row.  The plan is to finish the top this afternoon. Hopefully I won't have too many distractions.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Triple Zipper and Jewelry Pouches

 All These goodies are now living with my friends in Tennesee.
They had three birthdays in February, so I made a little something for each of them.

The first one is the tripple zipper pouch.

I had been wanting to make my friend a zippered pouch for a while.
When I went to blogland to find the tutorial I found the Triple-Zip Along and joined in the fun.

It is interesting to see this same pattern made in different color ways.
Click on over to the flikr group to see hundreds more triple zip pouches.

For my friend's two daughters I made them each a Jewelry pouch.

One daughter's favorite color is blue.

The other's favorite color is green. This is what the pouch looks like empty

But you can't give a jewelry pouch without Jewelry in it.

So I filled them both with rings, necklaces, earrings, and candy.
The octopus rings are my favorite!

These pouches are super cute and fairly quick to make.

I want to make more and give them to some other special ladies. might be nice to have one for myself as well. ;)


Monday, February 18, 2013

Last of the 7

I finally got the binding on today!
The quilt has been waiting for almost two months for binding.
Once I got my sewing motivation back it was quick to finish up.

Not sure why my desire to create with fabric waned, but I can feel it creeping back up.
I finished a couple more projects as well but pictures will have to wait till a certain package arrives next week.

This is my 1rst quilt finish for 2013.

And is the seventh and final shirt quilt for my husband's Aunt Darla.

Here are all seven quilts together.

Time to call Aunt Darla and set up a dinner date and deliver them all.
