As soon as I saw the Legendary Quilt from Elizabeth Hartman, I knew I had to make it and send it to my Friend in Minnesota. The pattern uses only one green for the trees, but I wanted to mix it up a bit. So I pulled out several different greens from my batik stash and started cutting. Fabric selection went pretty quick for this project. Usually that is the hardest part, but it wasn't the case this time. I did have to buy some background fabric though. I knew I wanted a very light blue and didn't have any in my stash. Once that came in the mail I was off and sewing.

Once cut, the trees went together pretty quick. One tree together, 13 more ready for sewing.

When I had them all on the wall I couldn't resist putting a photo of Shia Labeouf in the background. I left him there till my kids came home from school to find him hiding in the woods.
(reference to Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf )

I had to pick up my Jacob from Greenville for Christmas break and knew exactly where I wanted to take a picture with this quilt, at Falls Park on the Reedy in Greenville.

These tree roots are fabulous and huge. I had Thomas stand next to the quilt. When I first looked at my pictures on the camera it looked like a mini quilt next to some roots. So I wanted a human in the picture so you could tell the actual size.

Quilting was an all over wood grain pattern.

When I had them all on the wall I couldn't resist putting a photo of Shia Labeouf in the background. I left him there till my kids came home from school to find him hiding in the woods.
(reference to Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf )
I had to pick up my Jacob from Greenville for Christmas break and knew exactly where I wanted to take a picture with this quilt, at Falls Park on the Reedy in Greenville.
These tree roots are fabulous and huge. I had Thomas stand next to the quilt. When I first looked at my pictures on the camera it looked like a mini quilt next to some roots. So I wanted a human in the picture so you could tell the actual size.
Quilting was an all over wood grain pattern.
Another shot. Not sure what these old bricks use to be, but they looked cool with part of the waterfall in the background.