Tuesday, August 20, 2024

It's a Jungle Blog Hop Challenge

 Welcome to day two of the "It's a Jungle" Blog Hop Challenge, hosted by Joan of Moose Stash Quilting.  Today I am showing off my Tiger One Block Wonder quilt! 

These tiger panels have been patiently waiting for their day to shine.

With the help of Avi, I stacked six of them and cut them into strips...

And then into triangles...

And more triangles.

I even spliced more pieces together to create new triangles.

The spliced ones blended together pretty good.

I made a nice stack of kaleidoscope hexies and chain-stitched them all together.

I sewed them in batches so I didn't sit too long at the machine.

Then I placed them all on the design wall.


And started organizing them.

I did lots of rearranging...

and finally came up with a layout I liked.

Since tigers are orange, I quilted it with orange thread. 

The orange thread blended great with all the colors in the panel.

I try to use all the hexagons I get from the panel.

To me, using all the hexagons is a fun challenge when making One Block Wonder Quilts.

Sometimes it takes longer to figure out where some of the odd blocks go, but I usually find a spot.

I have a few favorite blocks.  This bird block turned out fantastic.

I love the several eye blocks.

This bright pink block was one of a kind and stands out more than the rest, but I really like it.

There are lots of fun blocks in this one.

The flamingo legs turned out pretty funny to me.

When adding the main panel in the center, I kept the top and bottom hexagons whole.  This meant I had to do a little hand stitching to keep them from flipping up.

I did some custom quilting in the main panel and then did an all-over swirl meander in all the hexagons.
It was fun to "draw" all over the quilt with the thread.

I used up several of my green prints from my stash for the backing.

This is my thirteenth One Block Wonder Quilt.  I really enjoy the process of creating a puzzle without quite knowing what it's supposed to look like till the end.


  1. Absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for sharing the whole process! This quilt is soooo stunning! Now I wish I had so many panels to try a one block wonder quilt as well.

  2. I LOVE your OBW Tigers quilt! I love seeing OBW with the panels. I tried one and never finished it. I just couldn't get the panel to fit right with the hexies. I know there is some math involved, but just didn't think to figure it out as to how the rows would fit to the panel and they didn't fit right. 7 panels and lots of work and it needs still needs to be quilted and the mistakes are obvious on mine. But I love seeing how people like you put them together and how great they look! It inspires me, but probably need to stick with making them without adding the panel in as that is where I have trouble getting it to work. Love how colorful yours is too.

  3. Wow. Gorgeous. Amazing. I am so impressed by this !

  4. Holy smokes...be still my heart! This is fantastic. I have always dreamed of making a one block wonder quilt, but it hasn't happened yet. Congratulations your fabulous creation!

  5. Wow!!! This is an amazing OBW! The tiger stripes made some really cool hexies. I love this project!

  6. I love this, it's beautiful. One day I'll make a one block wonder, I bought the fabric 5 years ago.

  7. Well done. One block wonders from panels are amazing. Thanks for sharing this project with pictures of your process.

  8. Oooh, I've never made a one block wonder. This is magnificent!

  9. Oh my goodness, Leah, this is gorgeous! I've always wanted to make a One Block Wonder quilt, but haven't been able to. You did such a fabulous job on this one...love it!

  10. Oh WOW!!!! It's awesome!!! Very stunning!!! I'm in awe!

  11. Leah, this is a masterpiece! Your artistry and patience in creating this quilt outshines anything I'd ever attempt! It is just beautiful in every way. Well done!

  12. Amazing and inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Oh wow that quilt is fantastic. Love how you combined the One Block Wonder technique with the panel. That is a great technique to remember!

  14. This quilt leaves me speechless which is not a thing in my life. It is absolutely stunning. Thanks so much for sharing your process with us.

  15. What a gorgeous quilt. I have never seen a panel cut and pieced like that. You did a marvelous job.
