I took my first ever sewing class on Monday and it was a class to make these bowls. I don't normally take any type of classes but I couldn't resist these bowls. The past two times I was at my quilt guild meeting, ladies kept showing off bowls they made during a class at Beth's shop. Beth is the quilt shop owner in our guild. So I emailed her in April and asked when the next bowl class would be. She informed me it wouldn't be till May. As soon as she sent out the new class schedule I had her put my name on the list for this class. It was a 4 hour class and the time flew by. It really didn't feel like I was in that room for four hours. I only made one bowl during class time, the brighter one, but I had enough close-line leftover to make a second one, which I finished this morning. I love these bowls. I want to make more and more and more....

Those are really cool. I wish I could make one.