Monday, December 2, 2024

Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange and Tree Skirt

Welcome to the first day of the last blog hop.  I am excited, yet sad at the same time.  It is always fun to see what everyone comes up with, yet sad to know this is the last hop. I have been hopping along with everyone since 2012, but time moves on and new adventures await! 

  I will still be following along with everyone on their other social media, so we can still keep up with each other and have show and tell. And with that said, today I want to show off my new Christmas Tree skirt!

It's not a cookie, but it is cookie-shaped.  That counts right?

This is similar to the chevron table toppers I have made but on a bigger scale. 

I used the 10-degree ruler by Phillip Fiber Arts, which gives 36 wedges.

The tree skirt measures about 50 inches across, and I had a package of Hobbs Cotton Wool Blend batting that fit perfectly.  It quilted up beautifully.

For once, I had this project ready well ahead of time—quite the achievement for me since I’m usually the last-minute sewer!  I managed to get it ready in time to enter the SC State Fair, and it won a blue ribbon! Yay! That's definitely some good luck to put under the tree!

And it passes quality control.  This year Avi is enjoying time at the bottom of the tree instead of in it, which is a good thing.  Less ornaments meet their doom this way.

As far as cookie recipes, these are my go-to when I need something fast.  The recipe is easy: preheat the oven, open the package, put them on the pan, and bake.  Super easy for those times when you don't have time and still want a good cookie.

And Santa eats them up!

Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the last hop around the block this week! 



  1. Congrats on your blue ribbon tree skirt! It's beautiful and the quilting is gorgeous! I like your cookie style. Fast and easy! Perfect for this busy time of the year. I will miss our monthly get together's for sure, but will checking in to see what you're up to! ;-)

  2. Your tree skirt is so pretty and the quilting totally makes it stand out. Love it! The cookies are my kind of recipe since I do very little baking anymore. Thank you for sharing your sweet project and for being a wonderful part of my blog hopping life, Leah! xo

  3. Gorgeous tree skirt and I love your cookie idea! May need to get a few of those for when I need to share some cookies with a friend.

  4. What a beautiful tree skirt, I have always wanted to make one but never seem to have the time. Congratulations on the blue ribbon! I love your cookie! What a great idea for a quick treat. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  5. Your tree skirt looks fantastic! And congrats on the ribbon!!! I'll have to look for your cookies the next time I'm in the US!! Merry Christmas!

  6. Beautiful tree skirt, and great cookie idea!

  7. break and bake cookies.... win!!

  8. Your tree skirt is awesome! Such intricate quilting. The cookies look very tasty.

  9. Congratulations on winning a blue ribbon. Tree skirt is so lovely.

  10. What a beautiful tree skirt! Congratulations on winning the blue ribbon! I didn't know there were cookies like that in the refrigerator section--I have to get some! Thanks!

  11. Leah, your tree skirt is beautiful and the quilting looks really good! Congrats on the blue ribbon! Well deserved!! And, I really like your cookie recipe! Quick, easy, and yummy!

  12. Congratulations, and Merry Christmas! Your quilt inspector is doing a great job beneath the tree. We're not sure how Katniss will behave with the tree; she's usually an outdoor kitty. Luckily, I have the Frenchie Patrol to keep track of any cat antics.

  13. Yes the round shape definitely counts, lol! Love your tree skirt and well done with winning the blue ribbon!!! Have a very Merry Christmas! xx
