Yesterday I spent most of the day quilting my guild mates quilt. It is a queen size and I got more than half of it done. But around 5 o'clock, after spending my whole day quilting this quilt, I found myself getting irritable. For what reason I don't really know. It could have been too many hours in the chair, or me rolling over the corner of the quilt with my chair ripping the batting close to the edge, or the fact that I see too many "wiggles" in my quilting lines than I am comfortable with. Or it could have been all of those mixed together. I found myself extremely grumpy so I decided to go do something else. I went to the kitchen to check on my daughter who was preparing dinner and I brought my Mon Ami quilt to the table to baste it while I chatted with her and helped her out a little. -- My daughter and I have deal: She was $8 short of buying some clothes she wanted. So I told her I would pay the $8 if she would cook 8 meals for us. She agreed, I was excited. :)

After dinner I started the quilting on my Mon Ami and my mood was was vastly improved. Not sure if it was the cheery yellow or the fact that I was working on a project of my own that I get to keep, but either way, working on this project helped me get back to a calm relaxed state.
I didn't get to finish the quilting last night, but this is what I have so far. I stitched in the ditch around each block, but I want to add some more quilting inside each block. Not sure what type yet, perhaps some swirly type quilting inside each star. I shall ponder over it for a bit and post the finished photo later this week.
I just came from Sinta's blog and I love your Mon Ami:) It is cheery!! Wow, a dollar to have a meal made.....what a deal :)