Thursday, October 6, 2016

Big Stitch Swap

Next on my swap list this year was the Big Stitch Swap.  For this swap you could make a pouch, a mini quilt, or pretty much anything your partner wanted as long as it had a good amount of hand stitching on it.  My partner opted for a mini quilt and mentioned she enjoyed the ocean, so I made her a cute hand stitched mini light house quilt.

Hand embroidery mixed with some machine quilting.
I may need to make myself one of these!  I love how it turned out.

I edged the stitches with crayon to give it a little extra color.

 These little birds are one of my favorite sections!

I received a lovely hand stitched pouch for this swap.

Stay tuned for more mini quilts!


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Disney Mini Quilt Swap

 Next up in my mini swap calendar was the Disney Mini Quilt Swap.  For this one you told your partner some of your favorite Disney movies and they would take it from there.
My partner chose Beauty and the Beast.

I decided to do a Belle silhouette surrounded by roses.
I found this silhouette on the internet and increased it to the size I needed. 

 For the roses I used Rosie's Rose paper pieced pattern.
It took me about an hour to finish each rose, but it was well worth it!  I made 8 roses.

 I decided to go with a yellow silhouette to match Belle's dress in the movie.

And here she is all finished!  I love all those roses!
This one was hard to ship out, but it happily landed in its new home in Texas.  

This is the quilt I received. I picked Mary Poppins as one of my favorite Disney movies so my partner made this.  I like the idea, but I was disappointed that there was no quilting on it. I understand not everyone who plays along is at the same skill level as others, but I did expect a little quilting effort so I was a little dis heartened when they didn't even try to quilt it.
I also didn't know who it was from at first.  In this swap I didn't send to the same person who sent to me and there was no card in the box, no name on the quilt and the return address was not from anyone in the swap.  No one had even posted a photo of it on Instagram, which is mandatory for the swaps. After some investigating help from the swap mama, we finally found out who it was from and the person who made it had someone else mail it.

Stay tuned for more minis!


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Fancy Friends Mini Quilt Swap

I love Elizabeth Hartman's animal patterns.  I made her Fancy Fox Quilt for a good friend of mine and even cut out some fabrics to make one for myself, so when a spot opened in the Fancy Friends Mini quilt swap I jumped right in.
One of the animals my partner said she liked was the fox, so I decided to shrink the pattern and make a bunch of mini foxes.  My first attempt above turned out a little wonky because I added the seam allowances in my math.  My second attempt below turned out perfect.

 Half size  ~  Wonky size.

 Then I decided to go even smaller. Don't you just love that tiny pink fox!

Working on a layout.  I ended up not using the four blue ones, they just didn't fit. 

Each fox got quilted in the ditch and 1/2 inch away.

In between the foxes I did some meandering swirls. 

It is the perfect size for a table topper.  It also makes a great bird bath cover.  ;)
These foxes made it all the way to Denmark!

This is the lovely I received in return! A very large Hazel Hedgehog.
She is fancy with her glasses and 3D butterflied!

Stay tuned for more Minis!


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Blue Berry Park Mini Swap

Fabric selection for my next swap was super easy!  We had to use the Blueberry Park line by Karen Lewis.  My partner mentioned she loved the Triple Goosed pattern by Jeli Quilts, so that is what the pattern I went with.

I bought the two charm packs, one cool and one warm and got enough colors to do a full rainbow of flying geese.

 Playing Around with the outer pieces.
The would look great in this layout as well!

It is always hard to pick a quilting design.  My mini sat just like this for a couple days while I deliberated.

 I ended up doing half feathers and wavy lines that followed the direction of the geese.
I even used my left over scraps to make a scrappy binding.

This one flew all the way to Maine to find its new home.

This is the mini I received.  I was not expecting something so fabulous!
She really did a fantastic job on this one. It is one of my favorites!

Stay tuned for more minis!
