Sunday, March 11, 2018

Project Quilting 9.5 "A Stitch in Time Saves 9"

I had a hard time with the theme this week.  I was going to do Dr. Who, but I already have two Tardis quilts and wanted something different.  My mind kept going back to cats and their 9 lives, but I didn't see how that would fit with the stitch in time part.  

Then I told myself, "If you don't hurry up and pick a pattern you will be up all night Saturday night trying to stitch way more than nine stitches..."  So I decided pattern choosing procrastination fit the theme and went with cats and their nine lives.    

I have been following the #candycatsqal on instagram hosted by @schnitzelandboo and even printed out the pattern to play along with the Quilt Along but still hadn't made any of my own kitties yet. The pattern is free from Unicorn Hearts and you can get it here: Candy Cats Pattern.

My plan for this week was to sew 9 Candy Cats at half the size and turn them into a mini quilt, but then I got sick, nothing bad, just a horrible cold which make me feel like doing nothing most nights other than vegging out in front of the TV.

Come Saturday I only had 2 cats done... What to do?  I really want to participate in all 6 challenges this year.  It will be my first year ever doing all 6.  So I decided to alter my plan and I turned those two mini kitties into  two 4 x 6 postcards ready for mailing.  

I got out my "Postcard Supplies" box, which hasn't been opened in years and pulled out what I needed.  The box has peltex, wonder under, and muslin backing all cut to size and ready go to.  Thank goodness for that.  I trimmed my kitties to size and turned them into postcards in plenty of time for me to hit the hay by 8pm.

I'm still feeling under the weather today, but am super happy I got my 9.5 project complete!

Check out all the other entries this week and vote for your favorites after noon CST today.

Can't seem to have a photo shoot without one of the real kitties helping out. 


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Project Quilting 9.4 Mellow Yellow

The theme for week four of Project Quilting was "Mellow Yellow."  Not the soda, but the color.  We had to use Yellow as our main fabric for this project.

My quilt is titled "Yellow Bellied Birdies" and measures about 30 inch Square.
I decided to go smaller this week compared to last week as I had a busy week planned.  I managed to squeeze in a few nights of sewing this week and  it helped to have Monday off from work as well.

I actually have a lot of yellows in my stash and love using it in my quilts I just needed the perfect pattern to go with them. My first thought was stars since they are traditionally yellow so I went to my paper piecing board on Pinterest to find a good pattern I have saved and always wanted to make. As I was scrolling I saw this cute Bird pattern.

I couldn't find a link to it, just the image someone saved from someone else who saved it from someone else from an email...If that makes sense. 

I made one bird to test the pattern, then used the papers I tore out as templates to cut out all the background fabric pieces I needed for the rest of the 15 birds.

 The bird isn't too detailed and came together pretty quick. Particularly with chain piecing.

Once I had all the fabric cut to the right shapes it made paper piecing a 15 more blocks super quick.

Each block finished at 6 inches.

Make sure you check out all the other "Mellow Yellow" entries:

And vote for your favorites starting at 12 noon CST on Sunday 2/25.
