Saturday, April 19, 2008

Purple Inchies

One of the swaps I signed up for was to make Purple Inchies. This is the first time I have attempted to make these little devils. Being only one inch in size makes it hard to come up with ideas to make them sparkle. I am undecided I if like these or not, I think I just need more practice at making them.

Here is what I came up with. I had to make six sets. I placed them on a small piece of card stock to make sure they stay put during travel. I sure hope the recipients enjoy them.

Friday, April 11, 2008


I finished up another set of fabric postcards today. These are for the "Pick a Word" swap for my Fabricards yahoo group. The word I picked was doodles. I took one of the orginal doodles that I made on notebook paper and scanned it into the computer. Then I printed it out on fabric and added it to the cards. I wanted the background to look like paper, so I used white fabric and sewed blue lines across it. I like the way they turned out. I will send them in the mail tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bow Ties and Buttons

I made these postcards after I received a pattern from Maureen in the mail on how to make a 3D bow tie block. The bow tie block was very easy to make and I couldn't stop at making just one. I mailed the pink bow tie postcard yesterday, and the little bow tie postcards out today.