Tuesday, June 20, 2023

When Pigs Fly - June Sew It, Show it Challenge


This month's Sew It - Show It challenge is all about PIGS, UFOs and WIPs.

Hosted by Joan of Moose Stash Quilting

Well, I don't have any PIGs (Projects In Grocery Sacks) Those get moved to bins right away, so I guess I have PIBs. Haha!  I have a few of those, but not too many.  I classify those as patterns and fabric purchased, but not yet cut into.

 Now when it comes to UFOs, UnFinished Objects, I have a plethora.  And if WIPs technically count as UFOs, I have even more.  Let's just say I have enough UFOs to keep me busy for a year or more.  How did I get so many you ask? Well, there are several reasons why my projects become UFOs:

  • Projects get set aside for deadlines of other projects.
  • I messed something up and don't want to pick it out just yet.
  • The project turned out uglier than I thought, but I still think I can save it, maybe.
  • A pattern was on sale.
  • Fabric was on sale.
  • I saw something cool on Instagram I just had to try.
  • I get bored with a particular part of the project - not enough to never finish it, just enough that I want to do something else real quick and then I'll come back to it... eventually.  Quilters ADD I suppose.

 Each of my UFOs is listed in a Google Sheet showing what stage it is in and what else needs to be done to complete it.  Today I am happy to put an X in each box for my Twisted Log Cabin quilt and move it to the finished list!

This project officially became a UFO in February of 2020. The fabric was given to me by Island Batik as part of their Ambassador program and I had the assignment to make some type of log cabin quilt out of it.  The fabric is Island Batik Ancient Etchings by Jackie Kunkel and came out in 2020.  

I was short on time that month, so I showed off just the top. Then it got set aside while I finished a different project with an upcoming deadline... and then it sat.  All it needed was to be quilted and bound.  I even had the backing made and hanging with it in the closet. 

The deadline for this challenge is what finally moved this beauty to the top of the to do list.

I guess I just have to give things deadlines and then they get done.

As far as WIPs, Works In Progress, I have a couple that I am currently working on, but they are secret sewing and I can't show them off till later in the year.  

Question, when does a WIP become a UFO?  How long to you have to not work on it till it slips into the UFO category?  I have a WIP on the sewing table that has been sitting there for about a month, untouched.  It's not in a bin yet, and I think about it some, but I haven't sewn on it lately. Does that make it an official a UFO now?  Is it time to add it to my Google Sheet? 

Be sure to check out the other projects this week that finally have their time to shine by visiting the links below.


Monday June 19


Quilting Gail

Songbird Designs

Quilt Schmilt

Words & Stitches



Tuesday June 20

Quilted Delights (ME)

Ms P Designs USA

Selena Quilts

Just Because Quilts

Stitching Farm Girl

Bumbleberry Stitches

Wednesday June 21



Days Filled with Joy

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

Texas Quilt Gal


Thursday June 22

Just Let Me Quilt

Karrin’s Crazy World



The Quilted Snail

Happy Quilting!



  1. Wow, those colors really sing! Glad it's out of the closet, now. What a beautiful finish.

  2. Your quilt is just beautiful! I LOVE black backgrounds with bright colors, and your fabrics are really pretty. Lol on PIB!

  3. Oh goodness, Leah, this is so beautiful! Lots of movement and color make it a wonderful quilt. It's nice to see it finished! As for what moves a project to a different category??? I have no idea, but I have quite a few that fall into the almost finished but not quite, because I've chosen to work on something else category. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Leah, what a beautiful finish! I love the colors and I know you are happy to have this one checked off your list!

  5. Beautiful quilt! I'm so glad you finished it so you can show it off now. I am really impressed with the Google Sheet outlining the unfinished quilt's details. I wish I was that organized.

  6. That is a beautiful quilt. I've been away from blogland for a few months and so happy that I chose today to get back to at least reading those I've missed. This blog hop may just be the inspiration I need to get my crafts organized.

  7. I do love the quilt you finished - UFO! I've never tried to think of the 'why' the UFOs happen - I'm too scared, yikes! It's wonderful to know that others have the same problem as I. Even though I've been working on UFOs for a few years - something always comes up as being mor important!

  8. A beautiful finish!!! Congratulations on getting it DONE!!! :-)

  9. Beautiful finish! I wish I was that organized with the Google Sheet outlining too!

  10. Lovbe the flow and color of this quilt! I don't do sacks either.

  11. Beautiful finish! I also use a spreadsheet to keep track of my projects, and it really does help
    . 😊

  12. That is a great pattern, and one I haven't seen much of in the past. The twisted part is fascinating to contemplate. Is it FPP? I saw something similar yesterday on Brenda at Conquering Mount Scrapmore YouTube, and it was FPP. Which is not my talent at all, though doing things Brenda's way is easier than most. The Google sheet looks interesting, though I'm not that organized. Yours are more likely to be finished than mine!

  13. This is beautiful finish. I am very impressed with your chart and love your questions regarding the various categories. I guess I always have pushed them all together but now you've got me thinking. I'm betting that most of the participants in this hop are quilter ADD ; - }

  14. Oh wow, that is just beautiful! Great finish for this hop! xx

  15. Beautiful finish! I love that twisted log cabin block. For me, if it's stowed away to get back to later, it becomes a UFO; if it's still out, within sight and I have the intention to work on it 'soon' it's still a WIP.....some of those WIPs haven't been worked on for a while though so techniquely it's not quite the best explanation!!

  16. It is gorgeous! The colors are amazing! Thanks for sharing!
