Saturday, March 20, 2021

Green Jelly Roll Race

Jelly Roll Race Quilts are fun and quick to sew up.

After cutting forty two different  2.5 inch strips from my stash I sewed up the top in about an hour and a half.  Normally these are made with pre cut jelly rolls, but I did not have a green Jelly Roll that would work well.  I had one, but it only had eight different fabrics, 5 strips each of print.  The eight prints are pretty, but they wouldn't make a very diverse quilt so I created my own set of green strips.a

Even the white squares have light green dots in them.


I quilted it with some green thread.  I started out with a meander but then added some leaves and wavy lines and what ever else struck my fancy.

I pieced the back with more green.  This quilt is definitely made for someone who loves green!

Happy Quilting!


1 comment:

  1. Seeing your stack of greens makes me want to see your whole fabric stash! Does the pattern call for the white squares or did you add them yourself? This is a perfect St. Patrick's Day quilt, very nice!
